No. Title Date
641 NY, other states tell insurers to disclose climate change plans 2012
642 Development of a methodology for the assessment of sea level rise impacts on Florida's transportation modes and infrastructures , synthesis of studies, methodologies, technologies, and data sources used for predicting sea level rise, timing, and affected areas in Florida 2012-01
643 Cities and flooding 2012
644 The pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, shows negative correlation to naturally elevated carbon dioxide levels 2012
645 Climate Change & Development 2012-01
646 The Rise of Global Warming Skepticism 2012
647 Climate and Social Stress 2012
648 Defense, National Security & Climate Change 2012
649 Exposing Compounding Uncertainties in Sea Level Rise Assessments 2012-01
650 Sea level rise overflowing estimates 2012
651 Could Estimates of the Rate of Future Sea-Level Rise Be Too Low? 2012
652 Recent contributions of glaciers and ice caps to sea level rise 2012
653 Sea Level Rise Adaptation Strategy for San Diego Bay 2012-01
654 Sea-level rise report card 2012 2012
655 Sea level projections to AD2500 with a new generation of climate change scenarios 2012
656 Using enhanced dasymetric mapping techniques to improve the spatial accuracy of sea level rise vulnerability assessments 2012
657 Relative outcomes of climate change mitigation related to global temperature versus sea-level rise 2012
658 Climate-change impact assessment for inlet-interrupted coastlines 2012
659 A scaling approach to project regional sea level rise and its uncertainties 2012
660 Extreme sea-level rise and adaptation options for coastal resort cities 2012