No. Title Date
2321 Chucho
2322 West side beat
2323 Ronda musical sudamericana
2324 Let's Dance The Charanga
2325 Tito Rodríguez returns to the Palladium
2326 West side beat
2327 Tito Rodríguez and his Orchestra
2328 Back home in Puerto Rico
2329 Tito Rodríguez Hits
2330 Tito Rodríguez bossa nova
2331 From Tito Rodríguez, with love
2332 The La Playa Orchestra in Puerto Rico
2333 Chucho Avellanet Baladas
2334 Bailando con Tito
2335 Love and violins
2336 Al Zeppy en New York
2337 At the palladium
2338 Tito Rodríguez in Puerto Rico azul
2339 Fifty fabulous latin favorites
2340 The exciting new La Playa Sound