No. Title Date
1821 Mathews, Alonzu 1899
1822 Monkerr, Fletcher 1899
1823 Jansen, Fred 1899
1824 Dorsett, C E 1899
1825 Garcia, Joaquin 1899
1826 Gibson, Samuel 1899
1827 Gibson, William, 1899 1899
1828 Corner of Jackson Square 1899-03
1829 Corner of Jackson Square 1899-03
1830 Men fighting in front of a restaurant 1900
1831 The old Sally Port, Fort Jefferson 1900
1832 The Custom House 1900
1833 View of Naval Station from the Water 1900
1834 Street in Key West 1900
1835 Schwartz, Sol 1900
1836 Soriano, Ignacio 1900
1837 Smith, Samuel, A 1900
1838 Symonette, Vincent 1900
1839 Taylor, Archibald 1900
1840 Thompson, Philip 1900