No. Title Date
1441 American Shoal Lighthouse 1955
1442 Tortugas Harbor, Fort Jefferson Lighthouse 1955
1443 Amelia Island Lighthouse 1955
1444 Row of shotgun homes 1955-04-03
1445 Miami Springs Country Club 1955-06-19
1446 Athletes with Football Trophies, @1956
1447 Hotel Urmey @1956
1448 Debutantes 1956
1449 Arlene Francis on Location With WTVJ 1956
1450 Tequesta: The Journal of the Historical Association of Southern Florida. Volume 1, number 16 1956
1451 Ralph Renick, WTVJ News Director 1956
1452 Perry Como in WTVJ Studio 1956
1453 Exterior View of a Stiltsville Structure 1956
1454 Exterior View of a Stiltsville Structure 1956
1455 Group of three Couples Standing in Front of a Stiltsville Building 1956
1456 View of a Stiltsville Structure from its Pier 1956
1457 Construction of South Miami City Hall 1956-10-24
1458 Flood on 36th Street 1957
1459 Royal Castle Restaurant 1957
1460 Booker T. Washington High School Student 1957