No. Title Date
5221 Army Barrack building being moved 1950
5222 Army Barrack on Pablo Beach 1900
5223 Army Barracks after the hurricane 1909
5224 Army Barracks and cemetery 1893
5225 Army cadet, Port-au-Prince 1971-05
5226 Army cadets and band, Port-au-Prince 1 1971-05
5227 Army cadets and band, Port-au-Prince 2 1971-05
5228 Army cadets, Port-au-Prince 1971-05
5229 An Army convoy on North Roosevelt Blvd 1950
5230 Army Corps of Engineer Letter Indicating their Participation in the Virginia Key Shoreline Stabilization Project 2000-07-31
5231 Army Day 1987-11-18
5232 Army officer giving speech at dedication ceremony of new Veterans Memorial 1965-05-30
5233 Army officers at the National Palace, Port-au-Prince 1971-05
5234 Army officers formation at Pratt General Hospital former Biltmore Hotel, Coral Gables, Florida
5235 Army officers, patients at Pratt General Hospital, former Biltmore Hotel, Coral Gables, Florida
5236 Army officers, Port-au-Prince 1971-05
5237 Army officers pose in front of New Veterans Memorial 1965-05-30
5238 Army parade, National Palace, Port-au-Prince 1 1971-05
5239 Army parade, National Palace, Port-au-Prince 2 1971-05
5240 Army parade, National Palace, Port-au-Prince 3 1971-05