Handmade Card from Bea Kalstein

Material Information

Handmade Card from Bea Kalstein


Subjects / Keywords:
Florida--Miami Beach
Letters, Personal
Spatial Coverage:
Florida--Miami Beach


Color painted handmade card, with psalm from Bhagavad Gita 9:26: "He who offers to me with devotion only a leaf, or a flower, or a fruit', or even a little water, this I accept with joy, because with a pure heart it was offered with love." Handwritten inside "Thanks for very Special Moments Special Memories and Your Support! signed by Bea (Bea Kalstein, City's activist who passed away in 2003. Donated by Bob Parcher, City Clerk. ( en )

Record Information

Source Institution:
City of Miami Beach
Holding Location:
City of Miami Beach
Rights Management:
Resource Identifier:
MB 1852_2