Correspondence relating to Tamiami Trail route and construction

Material Information

Correspondence relating to Tamiami Trail route and construction
Jaudon, James Franklin, 1873-1938
Harrison, F. E ( contributor )
Reclaiming the Everglades ( contributor )
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
8 items (36 p.) : ;


Subjects / Keywords:
Tamiami Trail (Fla.) ( lcsh )
non-fiction ( marcgt )
Target Audience:
general ( marctarget )


Letters mention a Seminole trail, camp locations (Billy Cowopatchee, Captain Tony, and Gutman Billy's camps), Tamiami Trail finances, Brown's store, Chevelier, Chokoloskee, Barron Collier, Deep Lake, Immokolee, and George Storter. Correspondents include F. E. Harrison.
Scope and Content:
1. [Letter] 1918 May 16, Ft. Myers, Fla. to J.F. Jaudon, Miami, Fla. 2. [Letter] 1918 May 30, Ft. Myers, Fla. to J.F. Jaudon, Miami, Fla. 3. [Letter] 1918 May 31 to P.F. Jenkins, Ft. Myers, Fla. 4. [Letter] 1918 June 1 to F.E. Harrison, Ft. Myers, Fla. 5. [Letter] 1918 June 3 to J.F. Jaudon, Miami, Fla. 6. [Letter] 1918 June 5 to J.F. Jaudon, Miami, Fla. 7. [News article] Walks over proposed Tamiami Trail route from gulf to ocean. 8. [Letter] Ft. Myers, Fla. to J.F. Jaudon, Miami, Fla.
Electronic format produced as part of Reclaiming the Everglades, a collaborative project of the University of Miami, Florida International University, and the Historical Museum of Southern Florida, funded by the Library of Congress/Ameritech National Digital Library Program.

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
Holding Location:
Rights Management:
Resource Identifier:
000004216 ( ALEPH )
AAA1427 QF ( NOTIS )