Material Information

Nicolas Urcelay
Manuel M. Pones ( Composer )
Castro Padilla ( Composer )
Lily y Meche Perez Freire ( Composer )
Ramon Inclan ( Composer )
Armando Gonzalez Malbaran ( Composer )
Pacho Hernandez ( Composer )
Chabuca Granda ( Composer )
Jorge del Moral ( Composer )
G. Donizetti ( Composer )
Ernesto Lecuona ( Composer )
Rosa Hahn ( Composer )
Jaime Canaves
Physical Description:
1 sound disc : 33 1/3 rpm ; 12 in.


General Note:
A--1. Lejos de ti (Manuel M. Pones) 2. La flor de la canela (Chabuca Granda) 3. No niegues que me quisite (Jorge del Moral) 4. Una furtiva lagrima (G. Donizetti) 5. Rosa la china (Ernesto Lecuona ) 6. Lamento Indio ( Rosa Hahn) B--1. Princesita (Castro Padilla) 2. Dos cruces (Carmelo Larrea) 3. Una pena y un carino (Lily y meche peres fereira) 4. Me haces falta (Ramon Inclan) 5. Vanidad (Armando Gonzalez Malbaran) 6. Luna de el rio (pacho hernandez) Con la orquesta de Eleazar Martinez

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
Holding Location:
Diaz Ayala Collection
Rights Management:
The Sound and Image Department at FIU Library does not claim copyright for any item in the collection. Copies for transmission, broadcast, reproduction, publishing, etc., not covered by fair use, require the written permission of the copyright owners. The user assumes all responsibility for clearing reproduction rights and fees as well as any infringement of United States copyright law (U.S. Code, Title 17).
Resource Identifier:
CBS MONAURAL DCA 366 ( mpn )