Population Structure, Food Habits, and Spawning Activity of Gray Snapper, Lutjanus griseus, in Everglades National Park

Material Information

Population Structure, Food Habits, and Spawning Activity of Gray Snapper, Lutjanus griseus, in Everglades National Park Report SFRC-83/02
South Florida Natural Resources Center/South Florida Research Center, Everglades National Park
Edward S. Rutherford
Edith B. Thue
David G. Buker
Place of Publication:
National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior
Publication Date:


Population structure, food habits, and spawning activity of 1026 gray snapper, Lutjanus griseus, were studied in Everglades National Park from November 1978 through January 1980. Fish were sampled from sporfishermen catches. There was no difference in mean length between the sexes. fish aged from scale annuli ranged from one to seven years. two and Three year old fish dominated the catch. Recruitment was complete by age three. ( English )

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
Holding Location:
South Florida Natural Resource Center
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Please contact the owning institution for licensing and permissions. It is the user's responsibility to ensure use does not violate any third party rights.
Resource Identifier:
I 29.95: SFRC- 83/02 ( sudoc )