Independent Reviews

Material Information

Independent Reviews
Publication Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Climate Change ( lcsh )
Sea Level Rise ( lcsh )
Coastal Engineering ( lcsh )


On March 30, 1983, EPA sponsored a conference in Washington, D.C., entitled "Effects of Sea Level Rise on the Economy and Environment." Reviewers from several disciplines were asked to comment on papers that subsequently were revised into Chapters 1 to 7 of this book in light of their experience in areas that would be affected by a sea level rise. Some of these comments follow. Sherwood Gagliano, president of Coastal Environments, Inc., reviews the case studies of Chapters 4 and 5 and the engineering techniques of Chapter 6. Included in Gagliano's remarks are suggestions for further and improved research as well as a discussion of the planning, public communication, and other efforts undertaken in Louisiana to address coastal erosion and salt intrusion. Edward. J. Schmeltz, assistant vice president and department manager of coastal engineering for PRCHarris, discusses some of the problems that must be considered in evaluating the engineering implications of sea level rise. Schmeltz also addresses the ability and willingness of engineers to modify their designs in anticipation of sea level rise. Jeffrey R. Benoit of the State of Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management Program examines the possible state responses in planning for sea level rise. He discusses four options for effective state response: policy development and/or revision, regulatory reform, legal conflict resolution, and education. Colonel Thomas H. Magness, III, formerly assistant director for civil works for environmental affairs, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, discusses the role of the corps in maritime projects and poses a number of questions for further research. Then, Magness highlights some of the corps's research and planning efforts to develop solutions to the problems caused by sea level rise. Charles Fraser, chairman emeritus of Sea Pines Corporation, which developed Hilton Head Island and other major coastal areas, indicates how difficult it will be to focus attention on an issue such as sea level rise, whose effects are so far in the future. The comments presented by Lee Koppleman, executive director of the Long Island Regional Planning Board, focus on the near-term problems posed by a potential sea level rise, as well as their political implications. These implications are illustrated using examples from the Long Island coast. ( English )

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Florida International University
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Sea Level Rise