Miami-Dade Sea Level Rise Task Force Report and Recommendations Memorandum

Material Information

Miami-Dade Sea Level Rise Task Force Report and Recommendations Memorandum
Ruvin, Harvey
Publication Date:


The purpose of the Miami-Dade Sea Level Rise Task Force is to review the relevant data and prior studies, assessments, reports, and evaluations of the potential impact of sea level rise on vital public services and facilities, real estate, water and other ecological resources, water front property, and infrastructure, and to provide a comprehensive and realistic assessment of the likely and potential impacts of sea level rise and storm surge over time, which shall be used to help develop a set of recommendations relative to amendments to the Comprehensive Development Master Plan, capitol facilities planning, budgetary priorities and other County programs as necessary to ensure that Miami-Dade County is taking all appropriate actions to reduce its contributions to climate-induced sea level rise and to ensure its resiliency to that increase in sea level rise, storm surge and related impacts which are expectede to occur.

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Source Institution:
Florida International University
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