Nubes de humo

Material Information

Nubes de humo
Series Title:
Cassette 0559
Joves, Manuel, 1886-1927 ( composer )
Romero, Manuel, 1891-1954 ( lyricist )
Pulido, Juan,1891-1972 ( performer )
Cristobal Diaz Ayala
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 sound cassette ; analog


Subjects / Keywords:
Popular music -- Argentina ( lcsh )
Tangos (Music) ( lcsh )
Tangos ( bne )
Audiocassettes ( tgm )
Casetes de audio ( bne )


Content Advice:
Cassette 0559 includes the following songs on Side A: Gina Maria Hidalgo 1. Ave Maria (Gounod) -- 2. La pastorcita del valle -- 3. Canción de cuna india -- 4. Retoñito de Laurel -- 5. Señora del cielo -- 6. Un lago de Harlan -- 7. Ave Maria (Schubert) -- 8. En un burrito orejon -- 9. Angelito de mi guarda -- 10. Por los campos verdes -- 11. El nocherito -- 12. Noche de Paz -- 13. Adoremos a nuestro señor.
Content Advice:
Cassette 0559 includes the following songs on Side B: 1. Navidad (J. Rodriguez) -- 2. En casa siño Pancho -- 3. Mil felicidades (Chuita) -- 4. Aguinaldo (Trovadores latinos) -- 5. Reina de San Anton (J. Rodriguez) -- 6. De tierra lejana vegabajeño -- 7. Nubes de humo (Manuel Joves, Manuel Romero, Juan Pulido).
Funding CLIR 2021 Recording at Risks Grant.

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
Holding Location:
Diaz Ayala Collection
Rights Management:
The Sound and Image Department of FIU does not claim copyright for any item in the collection. Copies for transmission, broadcast, reproduction, publishing, etc., not covered by fair use, require the written permission of the copyright owners. The user assumes all responsibility for clearing reproduction rights and fees as well as any infringement of United States copyright law (U.S. Code, Title 17).
Resource Identifier:
Columbia 2264-X-B ( FIU-Local )
CASS 0559

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