Las hijas de Zebedeo

Material Information

Las hijas de Zebedeo
Series Title:
Cassette 0252
Chapí, Ruperto, 1851-1909 ( composer )
Banda Municipal de Madrid ( performer )
Cristobal Diaz Ayala
Publication Date:
No linguistic content
Physical Description:
1 sound cassette ; analog


Subjects / Keywords:
Popular instrumental music -- Spain ( lcsh )
Zarzuelas ( lcsh )
Zarzuelas (Música) ( bne )
Audiocassettes ( tgm )
Casetes de audio ( bne )


Content Advice:
From zarzuela Carceleras.
Content Advice:
Cassette 0252 includes the following songs on Side A: Armando Orefiche Orquesta in Casa Cuba Puerto Rico (live music): 1. Siboney (Ernesto Lecuona) -- 2. La Comparsa (Ernesto Lecuona) -- 3. Habana de mi amor -- 3. Mesie Julian (Afro-Cuban music) -- 3. Bolero Arabe -- 4. Andalucia -- 5. Malagueña -- 6. Tamarindo -- 7. Rendezvous en Madrid -- 8. Alfileres negros (Afro-Cuban music) -- 9. Cariñosamente me estoy enamorando de ti -- 10. Las hijas de Zebedeo (Ruperto Chapi, Banda Municipal de Madrid).
Content Advice:
Cassette 0252 includes the following songs on Side B: Armando Orefiche Orquesta in Casa Cuba Puerto Rico (live music): 1. Corazon para que -- 2. No mires al balcon -- 3. Cubano soy -- 4. Granada -- 5. Y tu que has hecho -- 6. El pobre Adan -- 7. Las perlas de tu boca -- 8. Olvido -- 9. Lagrimas negras -- 10. Papa Montero -- 11. Buchipluma -- 12. Drume negrita -- 13. Facundo -- 14. Chino Lee Wong -- 15. The best things in life are free -- 16. Ma paumme Valentine -- 17. C’es si bon --18. Rumba blanca.
Funding CLIR 2021 Recording at Risks Grant.
General Note:
Access to full audio file is made available in partnership with UC Santa Barbara, via link through DAHR

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
Holding Location:
Diaz Ayala Collection
Rights Management:
The Sound and Image Department at FIU Library does not claim copyright for any item in the collection. Copies for transmission, broadcast, reproduction, publishing, etc., not covered by fair use, require the written permission of the copyright owners. The user assumes all responsibility for clearing reproduction rights and fees as well as any infringement of United States copyright law (U.S. Code, Title 17).
Resource Identifier:
Victor 73120-A ( FIU-Local )
CASS 0252

Related Items

Host material:
Audio Demo
Host material:
Link to audio - DAHR website