Commercial Entrance, Coral Gables, Florida

Material Information

Commercial Entrance, Coral Gables, Florida
Physical Description:
5 X 7 in.


General Note:
Designed by Denman Fink and Frank Button in 1922-1923, the Commercial Entrance is located at the intersection of Alhambra Circle, Madeira Avenue and Douglas Road. Since Alhambra Circle leads into the commercial district of Coral Gables, this entrance is often referred to as the Alhambra Entrance. Denman Fink, the City's Artistic Director, and Frank Button, Landscape Architect, worked together on all of the historic entrances and plazas. The stonemason for the Romanesque style archway and 600-foot wall was designed by Charles Merrick, brother of George Merrick, brother of the City's founder. Architects Phineas Paist and Walter de Garmo worked together with Fink and Button on this historic entrance.
General Note:
Caption on verso: "Commerical Entrance"
General Note:
(Ownership) Coral Gables Historical Resources Department

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
Holding Location:
City of Coral Gables
Rights Management:
Resource Identifier:

dpSobek Membership

Coral Gables Memory