Effects of Hurricane Andrew on Natural and Archeological Resources

Material Information

Effects of Hurricane Andrew on Natural and Archeological Resources Big Cypress National Preserve, Biscayne National Park, Everglades National Park
Series Title:
Technical Report NPS/NRGCC/NRTR; 96-02
National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior
G.E. Davis ( editor )
L.L. Loope ( editor )
C.T. Roman ( editor )
G. Smith ( editor )
J.T. Tilmant ( editor )
M. Soukup ( editor )
Place of Publication:
National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior
Publication Date:


This report describes the conditions of the resources and the effects of Hurricane Andrew on the resources of the national park system units in South Florida. ( English )

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
Holding Location:
South Florida Natural Resource Center
Rights Management:
Please contact the owning institution for licensing and permissions. It is the user's responsibility to ensure use does not violate any third party rights.
Resource Identifier:
I 29.109:NRGCC/NRTR/96-02 ( sudoc )