No. Title Date
1021 Visitors viewing a Malayan Sun bear and an educational sign at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
1022 Gibbon, with light colorings, hanging from tree in habitat at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
1023 Two gibbons perched on branches in habitat at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
1024 Two adult and one infant gibbon hang from branches at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
1025 Two gibbons hanging closely at the Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
1026 Close up of an adult Gibbon at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
1027 Two Bengal tiger clubs, Khan and Bali, playing in habitat at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
1028 Bengal tiger cub being held by zookeeper at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
1029 Bengal tiger cub being carried by zoo staff at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
1030 Two Bengal tiger cubs Khan and Bali roughhousing in habitat at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
1031 Bengal tiger cubs Khan and Bali engaging with zoo staff and photographer at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
1032 Bengal tiger cub overlooking zookeeper's shoulder at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
1033 Bengal tiger cubs Khan and Bali playing together in habitat at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
1034 Khan and Bali, Bengal tiger clubs, roughhousing in the habitat field at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
1035 Bengal tiger cubs, Khan and Bali, running in field of habitat at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
1036 Adult Bengal tiger in front of habitat temple at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
1037 Bengal tiger walking in front of habitat temple at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
1038 White Bengal tiger with orange markings reclining on temple habitat hill Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
1039 White Bengal tiger, Princess, blue eyed white tiger in cage 1980/2000
1040 White Bengal tiger at the Metrozoo picture of the tiger in front of the habitat temple 1980/2000