Ribera Garden Looking East From Extreme Rear Area |
[5/1/1968 12:00:00 AM] Ribera Garden Looking East From Extreme Rear Area |
Ribera Garden Looking West - Rose Beds |
[5/1/1968 12:00:00 AM] Ribera Garden Looking West - Rose Beds |
Ribera House (West) Area Between [House] + Kitchen |
[5/1/1968 12:00:00 AM] Ribera House (West) Area Between [House] + Kitchen |
Ribera House - View of Back Window Looking East |
[5/1/1968 12:00:00 AM] Ribera House - View of Back Window Looking East |
Ribera House - Looking South - Area Between House + Kitchen |
[5/1/1968 12:00:00 AM] Ribera House - Looking South - Area Between House + Kitchen |
[Carol Griffin Gives Dedication Address for Ribera Garden] |
[5/3/1968 12:00:00 AM] [Carol Griffin Gives Dedication Address for Ribera Garden] |
[1968-05-03] First Anniversary Marked |
[May 3, 1968] First Anniversary Marked |
[5/4/1968 12:00:00 AM] Ribera Garden Dedication |
Poujoud-Slater interior: Southeast room, ground floor, facing South |
[1968-06] Poujoud-Slater interior: Southeast room, ground floor, facing South |
Poujoud-Slater interior: Hallway, ground floor, facing West |
[1968-06] Poujoud-Slater interior: Hallway, ground floor, facing West |
South wall of the kitchen in the De Mesa Sanchez House (Room 110) |
[1968-06] South wall of the kitchen in the De Mesa Sanchez House (Room 110) |
[1968-06] Small wooden stool |
Small drop-leaf card table, or Pembroke table, in the De Mesa Sanchez House |
[1968-06] Small drop-leaf card table, or Pembroke table, in the De Mesa Sanchez House |
Decorative charcoal brazier in the De Mesa Sanchez House |
[1968-06] Decorative charcoal brazier in the De Mesa Sanchez House |
Sideboard in the De Mesa Sanchez House |
[1968-06] Sideboard in the De Mesa Sanchez House |
Cupboard in the De Mesa Sanchez House |
[1968-06] Cupboard in the De Mesa Sanchez House |
[Artifacts on display in Pan American Center Museum, 1968] |
[6/7/68] [Artifacts on display in Pan American Center Museum, 1968] |
[Artifacts on display in Pan American Center Museum, 1968] |
[6/7/68] [Artifacts on display in Pan American Center Museum, 1968] |
[Artifacts on display in Pan American Center Museum, 1968] |
[6/7/68] [Artifacts on display in Pan American Center Museum, 1968] |