No. Title Date
1101 FIU Facts 1990 1990
1102 Beyond Conventional Excellence 1990
1103 Homecoming Splash into the 90's 1990 1990
1104 The Personnel Touch 1990-02
1105 Stepping out preview 1990-02-01
1106 History of blacks and the diaspora 1990-02-01
1107 The international women's movement 1990-02-01
1108 Here today, gone tomorrow - Florida's farmworkers 1990-03-01
1109 The future of Cuba 1990-03-01
1110 The homeless in Miami 1990-03-01
1111 The Personnel Touch 1990-03
1112 Dedication of the Children, Youth and Families Professional Development Centre at Florida International University 1990-03-27
1113 The Personnel Touch 1990-04
1114 Frederick Wiseman and his reality films 1990-04-05
1115 Earth day: thinking globally acting locally 1990-04-05
1116 Equus sneak preview 1990-04-05
1117 The Personnel Touch 1990-05
1118 Job trends for the 90's 1990-05-03
1119 Sex discrimination In our legal system 1990-05-03
1120 University patents: profiting from research 1990-05-03