No. |
Title |
Date |
1661 |
Haiti. Jean Fouchard |
1989-06-17 |
1662 |
A Haitian painter in front of a painting on an easel |
1663 |
Handmade billiards table, Guantanamo Bay Naval Base |
1995-09/1996-01 |
1664 |
Handmade exercise equipment, Guantanamo Bay Naval Base 1 |
1995-09/1996-01 |
1665 |
Handmade exercise equipment, Guantanamo Bay Naval Base 2 |
1995-09/1996-01 |
1666 |
Handmade exercise equipment, Guantanamo Bay Naval Base 3 |
1995-09/1996-01 |
1667 |
The Happy Snapper, Guantanamo Bay Naval Base |
1995-09/1996-01 |
1668 |
Harbor - Montevideo, Uruguay |
1964-04 |
1669 |
Harry Belafonte and admirers at Gander, Newfoundland |
1958-10 |
1670 |
Haslington, Guyana 1 |
1967-04 |
1671 |
Haslington, Guyana 2 |
1967-04 |
1672 |
Haslington, Guyana 3 |
1967-04 |
1673 |
Haslington, Guyana 4 |
1960/1979 |
1674 |
Havana Cathedral |
1980/1985 |
1675 |
Havana, Cuba Port |
1970-8 |
1676 |
Have your portrait drawn in Greenwich Village |
1960-05-29 |
1677 |
Haydee Santamaria, president of the Cuba-sponsored Latin American Solidarity Organization; Cuban President Osvaldo Dorticos; and Deputy Premier and Defense Minister Raul Castro |
1967-07 |
1678 |
Hearings on the Communist threat to the United States through the Caribbean |
1960-05-03 |
1679 |
Hearings on the Communist threat to the United States through the Caribbean |
1960-05-03 |
1680 |
Hearings on the Communist threat to the United States through the Caribbean |
1960-05-03 |