No. Title Date
4661 Skyline in São Paulo, Brazil 1964-04
4662 Small bowl with loop-type ears
4663 Small ceramic bowl
4664 Small irregular reddish ceramic bowl with crude incised and punctate designs
4665 Small mano (grinding stone)
4666 Small standing male figure
4667 Snap shots from the Everglades of Florida 1918
4668 sobre Real licencia a Julián Peláez del Pozo, Promotor fiscal de la Alcaldía Mayor segunda de Matanzas, para contraer matrimonio con Doña María Manuela Laredo 1855-11-26
4669 Skip Navigation Links.
4670 The Social Club of Managua, Nicaragua 1959, 1 1959
4671 The Social Club of Managua, Nicaragua 1959, 2 1959
4672 Socialism now. No exploition. No Monopoly. Grafitti on the wall. 1978
4673 Socialism soon. Grafitti on the wall 1978
4674 Socialist Internacional Mexico 1979-08
4675 Socialist Party crowd welcoming Fidel Castro 1971-11
4676 Soil and Water Conservation Research Division Southern Branch 1963
4677 Sol Press Conference
4678 A soldier on a wooden bridge in front of two men on bicycles 1983-04
4679 A soldier standing in front of a wooden structure
4680 A soldier with the name Gonzalez on his uniform 1983-04