No. Title Date
3881 Portrait of a man in an embroidered coat by J. Goldberg 1844/1906
3882 Portrait of a man with a mustache by Erwin Raupp 1906
3883 Portrait of a woman with a lace collar by J. Goldberg 1844/1906
3884 Portrait of a young Abril Lamarque 1910/1920
3885 Portrait of a young child standing in between a stump and a statue of a dog
3886 Portrait of Abril Lamarque with mustache
3887 Portrait of Abril Lamarque with mustache
3888 Portrait of Alberto Bolet in an outside setting 1970/1980
3889 Portrait of Alberto Bolet, Music Director
3890 Portrait of Alberto Bolet with baton 1975/1980
3891 Portrait of Alberto Bolet with metronome and baton 1967
3892 Portrait of Eugene K. Jaudon, M.D.
3893 Portrait of Irwin Cassel from Campbell Studios
3894 Portrait of Irwin Cassel, Mana-Zucca and Marwin Cassel by Elzin Studio 1925/1935
3895 Portrait of Mana-Zucca by Vandamm
3896 Portrait of Mana-Zucca Elzin Studio 1915/1925
3897 Portrait of Mana-Zucca from Leon Elzin
3898 Portrait of Mana-Zucca in a dress with flower appliques
3899 Portrait of Mana-Zucca leaning on a chair from Camera Craft Studio #41926 1920/1929
3900 Portrait of Mana-Zucca leaning on a piano