No. Title Date
261 Florida 2011
262 Florida and Climate Change 2007-11-01
263 Florida River Flow Patterns and the Atlantic Mutidecadal Oscillation 2008
264 Florida's Changing Sea Level 2008-05
265 Florida's Resilient Coasts 2007
266 Florida's Wildlife 2009
267 Floridian Coastline Recession 2008-02-18
268 Four degrees and beyond 2010-11
269 A framework for using GIS and stakeholder input to assess vulnerability to coastal-inundation hazards
270 From Ice to High Seas 2013
271 Future flood losses in major coastal cities 2013-09
272 Game Over for the Climate 2012
273 Gas escape features off New Zealand 2010
274 The Gathering Storm 2014
275 Gauging Greenland's Subglacial Water 2013
276 Genetic consequences of climate change for northern plants 2012
277 Geodetic measurements of vertical crustal velocity in West Antarctica and the implications for ice mass balance 2009
278 Geoengineering 2011-10-04
279 Geographies of Securitized Catastrophe Risk and the Implications of Climate Change 2014
280 A geological perspective on sea-level rise and its impacts along the U.S. mid-Atlantic coast 2013