Testing the iron hypothesis in ecosystems of the equatorial Pacific Ocean
- Publication Date:
- 1994-09-08
- Creator:
- J.H. Martin
- K.H. Coale
- K.S. Johnson
- S.E. Fitzwater
- R.M. Gordon
- S.J. Tanner
- C.N. Hunter
- V.A. Elrod
- J.L. Nowicki
- T.L. Coley
- R.T. Barber
- S. Lindley
- A.J. Watson
- K. Van Scoy
- C.S. Law
- M.I. Liddicoat
- R.Ling
- T. Stanton
- J. Stockel
- C. Collins
- A. Anderson
- R. Bidigare
- M. Ondrusek
- M. Latasa
- F. Millero
- K. Lee
- W. Yao
- J. Z. Zhang
- G. Friederich
- C. Sakamoto
- F. Chavez
- K. Buck
- Z. Kolber
- R. Greene
- P. Falkowski
- S.W. Chisholm
- F. Hoge
- R. Swift
- J. Yungel
- S. Turner
- P. Nightingale
- A. Hatton
- P. Liss
- N.W. Tindale
- Subjects.Display:
- Climate change
- Pacific Ocean
- iron
- phytoplankton
- Source Institution:
- Florida International University
Facilitating adaptation of biodiversity to climate change
- Publication Date:
- 2011-06-21
- Creator:
- Suzanne Prober
- Kevin R. Thiele
- Phillip W. Rundel
- Colin J. Yates
- Sandra L. Berry
- Margaret Byrne
- Les Christidis
- Carl R. Gosper
- Pauline F. Grierson
- Kristina Lemson
- Tom Lyons
- Craig Macfarlane
- Michael H. O'Connor
- John K. Scott
- Rachel J. Standish
- William D. Stock
- Eddie J. B. van Etten
- Grant W. Wardell-Johnson
- Alexander Watson
- Publisher.Display:
- Springer
- Source Institution:
- Florida International University
El Nino modulations over the past centuries
- Publication Date:
- 2013-09
- Creator:
- Jianbao Li
- Shang-Ping Xie
- Edward R. Cook
- Mariano S. Morales
- Duncan R. Christie
- Nathaniel C. Johnson
- Fahu Chen
- Rosanne D'Arrigo
- Anthony M. Fowler
- Xiaohua Gou
- Keyan Fang
- Publisher.Display:
- Macmillan Publishers Limited
- Subjects.Display:
- Climate change
- Northern Hemisphere
- Pacific area
- unknownEl Nino current
- Source Institution:
- Florida International University
Rapid Thinning of Pine Island Glacier in the Early Holocene
- Publication Date:
- 2014-02-28
- Creator:
- Johnson, J.S.
- Bentley, M.J.
- Smith, J.A.
- Finkel, R.C.
- Rood, D.H.
- Gohl, K.
- Balco, G.
- Larter, R.D.
- Schaefer, J.M.
- Publisher.Display:
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
- Subjects.Display:
- Climate change
- ice sheets
- glaciers
- Ice Shelves
- Source Institution:
- Florida International University