Coconut Grove Waterfront and Spoil Islands master plan |
Coconut Grove Waterfront and Spoil Islands master plan |
Coral Way beautification master plan and design standards |
Coral Way beautification master plan and design standards |
Crime statistics for Dade County, Florida, 1979 to 1985 |
Crime statistics for Dade County, Florida, 1979 to 1985 |
Decade of change, Downtown Miami area, 2001 - 2011, Downtown Development Authority District and adjacent areas of influence |
Decade of change, Downtown Miami area, 2001 - 2011, Downtown Development Authority District and adjacent areas of influence |
Developing a model continuum of care for people with mental illnesses |
Developing a model continuum of care for people with mental illnesses |
Digital literacy : Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties, 2010 |
Digital literacy : Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties, 2010 |
Downtown Miami intermodal terminal feasibility study |
Downtown Miami intermodal terminal feasibility study |
Downtown Miami population, 2014 demographics report |
Downtown Miami population, 2014 demographics report |
Downtown Miami's historic property development toolkit : Leveraging historic preservation incentives in the development of historically significant real estate in Miami |
Downtown Miami's historic property development toolkit : Leveraging historic preservation incentives in the development of historically significant real estate in Miami |
DuPont Plaza traffic circulation PD&E study |
DuPont Plaza traffic circulation PD&E study |
DWNTWN Miami... Epicenter of the Americas, 2025 Downtown Miami Master Plan |
DWNTWN Miami... Epicenter of the Americas, 2025 Downtown Miami Master Plan |
Dwntwn Miami streetscape manual : Sidewalk furnishings |
Dwntwn Miami streetscape manual : Sidewalk furnishings |
Economic outlook City of Hialeah, final report |
Economic outlook City of Hialeah, final report |
Findings and recommendations |
Findings and recommendations |
Florida East Coast (FED) transit connection study from Dadeland North Metrorail Station to Miami International Airport (MIA) : Executive Summary |
Florida East Coast (FED) transit connection study from Dadeland North Metrorail Station to Miami International Airport (MIA) : Executive Summary |
Golf course & hotel development opportunity |
Golf course & hotel development opportunity |
Grand Avenue vision plan |
Greater Miami and the Beaches 2013 Visitor Industry Overview |
Greater Miami and the Beaches 2013 Visitor Industry Overview |
Group work and recreation study : summary of reports by the staff |
Group work and recreation study : summary of reports by the staff |
Guest lecturer at Green Library, MMC : Chanelle N. Rose, Rowan University |
Guest lecturer at Green Library, MMC : Chanelle N. Rose, Rowan University |