The Caroline Lowe house on 303 Duval Street |
The Caroline Lowe house on 303 Duval Street |
Caroline street after the hurricane |
Caroline street after the hurricane |
Caroline Street, Curry House |
Caroline Street, Curry House |
Cart on Front Street |
Casa Marina aerial view |
Casa Marina at 1500 Reynolds Avenue |
Casa Marina at 1500 Reynolds Avenue |
Casa Marina Hotel |
Casa Marina Hotel |
The Casa Marina, Key West, Florida |
The Casa Marina, Key West, Florida |
Casa Roma |
The Cash House at the Corner of Duval and Eaton Streets |
The Cash House at the Corner of Duval and Eaton Streets |
Cass and hammerhead catch |
Cass and hammerhead catch |
Cass and hammerhead catch |
Cass and hammerhead catch |
Cast net |
Catch from fishing boat Floalong II |
Catch from fishing boat Floalong II |
Catch of the day |
Catch of the day |
Catch of the day from Greyhound II |
Catch of the day from Greyhound II |
Catch of the day from the charter Floalong |
Catch of the day from the charter Floalong |
Catch of the day from the fishing boat Gulfstream |
Catch of the day from the fishing boat Gulfstream |