Early Photograph of George Hommell as a Young Navy Man |
Early Photograph of George Hommell as a Young Navy Man |
East from Tift's Tower |
East Martello |
East Martello and Meacham Field Key West |
East Martello and Meacham Field Key West |
East View from Tift Tower |
East View from Tift Tower |
Ed Swift speaking at the Conch Republic Founding. |
Ed Swift speaking at the Conch Republic Founding. |
Eddie's Fish Basket on Sugarloaf Key |
Eddie's Fish Basket on Sugarloaf Key |
Edward and Phillip Thompson |
Edward and Phillip Thompson |
Edwin Earle Johnson |
Electric company office in Lodge building on Eaton Street |
Electric company office in Lodge building on Eaton Street |
Electric crew on Duval |
Electric plant interior |
Elizabeth Hovey & others |
Elks Club, Duval Street |
Engine House Number 1 |
Environmental Hero Award Certificate from NOAA |
Environmental Hero Award Certificate from NOAA |
The Equator-Democrat Pub. Co.'s Key West Directory 1893 |
The Equator-Democrat Pub. Co.'s Key West Directory 1893 |
Establishment of the Caribbean Contingency Joint Task Force |
Establishment of the Caribbean Contingency Joint Task Force |
Evan Rhodes at his house on 621 Catholic Lane |
Evan Rhodes at his house on 621 Catholic Lane |
Evelio Cabot and group in front of the Street Car Barn |
Evelio Cabot and group in front of the Street Car Barn |