No. |
Title |
Date |
61 |
The miracle of Miami Beach |
1940 |
62 |
North South Park in Miami Beach, looking south from 85th Street |
1975 |
63 |
Ocean Drive, Lummus Park promotional photographs, 1950s |
1955/1958 |
64 |
Postcards of the Miami News Building and Bayfront Park |
1914 |
65 |
Promotional photographs and newspaper clippings for Miami Beach |
1935 |
66 |
Real Estate Information Booklet |
1971 |
67 |
A report on schools & parks |
1958 |
68 |
Resident's guide to local services |
2002 |
69 |
Rotunda and the Miami Beach Library and Jerry Lewis, 1999 |
1999 |
70 |
Royal Palm grounds, Bayfront Park, The Loggia, Flamingos nesting at Hialeah Park postcards |
71 |
South Point Park and Government Cut |
1965 |
72 |
South Shore planning concepts, 1970s |
1976 |
73 |
Speed ball and basketball games at Flamingo Park, 1930 and 1933 |
1930/1933 |
74 |
Tennis courts and players at Flamingo Park, 1931-1933 |
1931/1932 |
75 |
Theater at Flamingo Park, 1931-1932 |
1931/1932 |
76 |
77 |
View of Miami's business district after the 1926 hurricane published in The New York Times |
1926-10-17 |
78 |
79 |
View thru Royal Palm Park showing Huntington and Inagraham Bldgs. after the hurricane |
1926-09-18 |
80 |
Views of hotels, parks, cafes, and restaurants on Ocean Drive and Washington Avenue, 1980s and 1990s |
1990 |