Lincoln Road Revitalization/Beach Litter |
Lincoln Road Revitalization/Beach Litter |
Lincoln Road street views, 1955 |
Lincoln Road street views, 1955 |
Locomotive in motion |
Looking south from Lincoln Road and Jefferson |
Looking south from Lincoln Road and Jefferson |
Looking west across The Golf Course from the tower at 18th Street and Ocean Drive |
Looking west across The Golf Course from the tower at 18th Street and Ocean Drive |
Looking west on Lincoln Road from James Street |
Looking west on Lincoln Road from James Street |
Luciano Pavarotti and other personalities with Miami Beach officials |
Luciano Pavarotti and other personalities with Miami Beach officials |
Lummus Park beach scene ( 18 volumes ) |
Lummus Park from the Beach |
Lummus Park from the Beach |
Lummus Park looking south |
Lummus Park looking south |
Lynn Allison styling next to an umbrella |
Lynn Allison styling next to an umbrella ( 72 volumes ) |
Macfadden-Deauville Hotel and its surroundings seen from the hotel roof top |
Macfadden-Deauville Hotel and its surroundings seen from the hotel roof top |
Mack and Mabel |
Mame Playbill |
Man playing drums on stage |
Man playing drums on stage ( 2 volumes ) |
Man with eyepatch reading paper in a furniture store |
Man with eyepatch reading paper in a furniture store |
Man with rat on his head |
Mangroves and unidentified women in Miami Beach, 1905 |
Mangroves and unidentified women in Miami Beach, 1905 |
Mass Ensemble |
The Maxine Hotel |