No. Title Date
1 1919 outdoor activity scenes 1919
2 Aerial view of Ocean Drive between Fifth and Seventh Streets in 1960s 1960
3 Beach scenes, sunbathers, and hotels from Lummus Park to 15th Street, 1953-1956 1954
4 Document about beach access regulations and implications for Florida 1970-01-16
5 Skip Navigation Links.
6 Hardie & Smith Casinos 1922
7 How to find the action after you get here. A detailed list of Miami Beach attractions 1980/1989
8 Lummus Park from the Beach 1956
9 Lummus Park looking south 1965
10 Miami Beach beach and pool scenes, ca. 1950 1950
11 Miami Beach Convention Hall area aerial photos, ca. 1960s 1960
12 Miami Beach hotels promotional photographs, 1956 1956
13 Miami Beach, looking north from Forty-first Street 1965
14 Miami Beach ocean front hotels, one alligator and a three-dimensional card
15 Miami Beach promotional shots of hotel pools and beaches in the 1960s 1960/1969
16 Miami, Florida. Sunshrine of America 1930
17 Mid-winter surf bathing at Alton Beach,1919 1919
18 Pat Thomas and Diane Edney, 1960s 1960/1969
19 Promotional photographs, aerial views looking south on Miami Beach 1960
20 South Beach at 12th Street, 1919 1919