Sandra Pollack |
Sanitation Parade on Flagler; Clarance G. Pugh dances to Beat the Band. |
Sanitation Parade on Flagler; Clarance G. Pugh dances to Beat the Band. |
Sanitation Parade on Flagler; Clarance G. Pugh dances to Beat the Band. |
Sanitation Parade on Flagler; Clarance G. Pugh dances to Beat the Band. |
Santa Claus helping load Pan Am jet to Vietnam. |
Santa Claus helping load Pan Am jet to Vietnam. |
Sawgrass Prairie (Foreground) and Hardwood Hammock (Background) in the Everglades |
Sawgrass Prairie (Foreground) and Hardwood Hammock (Background) in the Everglades |
Sawgrass Prairie and Several Hardwood Hammocks in the Everglades |
Sawgrass Prairie and Several Hardwood Hammocks in the Everglades |
Sawgrass Prairie in the Everglades |
Sawgrass Prairie in the Everglades |
Scene on Avenue B (Miami, Fla.), |
Scene on Avenue B (Miami, Fla.), |
Sean Connery and Claudine Auger. |
Sean Connery and Claudine Auger. |
Seaplane Over Cape Florida Lighthouse |
Seaplane Over Cape Florida Lighthouse |
Seaplane Over Key Biscayne |
Seaplane Over Key Biscayne |
Sedano's Supermarket |
Seminole Indian at Palm Beach |
Seminole Indian at Palm Beach |
Seminole Indian Family |
Seminole Indians on the Miami River, |
Seminole Indians on the Miami River, |
Seminole Men at a Trading Post |
Seminole Men at a Trading Post |
Seminoles |
Senator Hotel |
Senator Hotel |
Shekerés |