No. Title Date
1 Orisha music and dance
2 "Herramientas" tools 2001
3 Thrones "Tronos" 2001
4 Obdulia Garcia's beadwork 2000
5 Obdulía García with Orisha textiles 2000
6 Regina Herrera with Orisha Garment 2000
7 Toolmaker working in Juan Gonzalez's shop 2000
8 Toolmaker holding Orisha crown 2000
9 Toolmaker holding two Orisha crowns 2000
10 Toolmaker in Juan Gonzalez's shop 2000
11 Toolmaker working in Juan Gonzalez's shop 2000
12 Adrian Castro in his home 2000
13 Wooden elephant decorated with beadwork for Orúnmila 2000
14 Orisha objects for Orúnmila 2000
15 Orisha crown for Obatalá 2000
16 Orisha Beaded Headpiece 2000
17 Orisha Beaded Net (Mayas) 2000
18 Machete for Ogún 2000
19 Beaded Horns for Ogún 2000
20 Carlos Leon with Orisha Beadwork 2000