No. Title Date
41 Photographs depicting Big Cypress Swamp and cypress trees, approximately 1928-1931 1931
42 Everglades advertising, 1929-1931 1931
43 Photographs depicting a motorboat trip through the Ten Thousand Islands, approximately 1931 1931
44 Photographs depicting plants in the Everglades, approximately 1921-1931 1931
45 Photographs depicting Ingraham Highway and environs, 1929-1932. 1932
46 Photographs depicting trip to mounds on road to Cape Sable, February 13, 1932. 1932
47 Flamingo Settlement (East Cape, Cape Sable), 1932 1932
48 Orchids and air plants, 1929-1933 1929/1933
49 Photographs depicting pines and pinelands, 1929-1933? 1933
50 Everglades birds, 1929-1933 1929/1933
51 John Gifford inspecting a melaleuca branch, Davie, June 4, 1938. 1938