Reubin Clein of the Miami Life Newspaper |
Reubin Clein of the Miami Life Newspaper |
Reubin Clein pointing to front page coverage of the Bolita Boys |
Reubin Clein pointing to front page coverage of the Bolita Boys |
Riviera Plaza Apartments |
Road 26 |
Roberto Clemente Cafeteria |
Roberto Clemente Cafeteria |
Rod Huffman #5 gets kick safely away |
Rod Huffman #5 gets kick safely away |
Row of shotgun homes |
Royal Castle Restaurant |
Royal Castle System, Inc. |
Royal Castle System, Inc. |
Royal Castle System, Inc. |
Royal Castle System, Inc. |
Sam Cohen at Court, 1965 |
Sandra Pollack |
Sanitation Parade on Flagler; Clarance G. Pugh dances to Beat the Band. |
Sanitation Parade on Flagler; Clarance G. Pugh dances to Beat the Band. |
Sanitation Parade on Flagler; Clarance G. Pugh dances to Beat the Band. |
Sanitation Parade on Flagler; Clarance G. Pugh dances to Beat the Band. |
Santa Claus helping load Pan Am jet to Vietnam. |
Santa Claus helping load Pan Am jet to Vietnam. |
Sean Connery and Claudine Auger. |
Sean Connery and Claudine Auger. |
Sedano's Supermarket |
Senator Hotel |
Senator Hotel |
Sherwood Forest Neighborhood, El Portal, 1974 |
Sherwood Forest Neighborhood, El Portal, 1974 |