[1955-04-03] Row of shotgun homes |
Miami Springs Country Club |
[1955-06-19] Miami Springs Country Club |
Athletes with Football Trophies, |
[@1956] Athletes with Football Trophies, |
[@1956] Hotel Urmey |
[1956] Debutantes |
Construction of South Miami City Hall |
[1956-10-24] Construction of South Miami City Hall |
[1957] Flood on 36th Street |
[1957] Royal Castle Restaurant |
[1957-04-14] Moore Park 1st game 1935 |
John Turek Jumping Hurdles |
[@1958-03-01] John Turek Jumping Hurdles |
Royal Castle System, Inc. |
[1958-07-11] Royal Castle System, Inc. |
[1959] Downtown Homestead |
Miss Georgia at the Carillon Hotel |
[1959] Miss Georgia at the Carillon Hotel |
Pan American Airways Flight Attendants |
[1959] Pan American Airways Flight Attendants |
Di Lido and Sagamore Hotels |
[1959] Di Lido and Sagamore Hotels |
[1959] Eden Roc Hotel |
[1959] Haitian Vendor |
[1959] Palm Avenue |
[@1959-07-24] Pompano Beach |
[1959-02-08] Homestead |