Evaluation of the Miami-Dade pedestrian safety demonstration project |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Zegeer, Charles V. Henderson, David Blomberg, Richard D. Marchetti, Lauren M. Masten, Scott V. Fan, Yingling Sandt, Laura Brown, Austin Stutts, Jane C. Thomas, Libby University of North Carolina (System). Highway Safety Research Center United States. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Format: | |
Source Institution: | |
South Florida Collection, Government Documents, Green Library, Florida International University
[2008-06] Evaluation of the Miami-Dade pedestrian safety demonstration project |
Modeling the Impacts of Future Sea Level Rise on Coastal Hernando County Using High Resolution LiDAR Elevation Data |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Geselbracht, Laura
Publisher.Display: | |
The Nature Conservancy
Subjects.Display: | |
Climate change Sea Level rise coastal management Hernando County (Fla.)
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
[2010-01] Modeling the Impacts of Future Sea Level Rise on Coastal Hernando County Using High Resolution LiDAR Elevation Data |
Retrospective and prospective model situations of sea level rise impacts on Gulf of Mexico coastal marshes and forests in Waccassa Bay, Florida |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Geselbracht, Laura Freeman, Kathleen Kelly, Eugene Gordon, Doria R. Putz, Francis E.
Publisher.Display: | |
Subjects.Display: | |
Florida Climate change coastal management Marshes Gulf of Mexico
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
[2011] Retrospective and prospective model situations of sea level rise impacts on Gulf of Mexico coastal marshes and forests in Waccassa Bay, Florida |
Alligator Production Suitability Index Model (GATOR-PSIM v. 2.0) |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Brandt, Laura A. Mazzotti, Frank J. Pearlstine, Leonard Shinde, Dilip Parry, Mark W. Jeffery, Brian LoGalbo, Alicia
Publisher.Display: | |
South Florida Natural Resources Center, National Park Service ( Homestead, FL )
Format: | |
1 report, 28 pages
Subjects.Display: | |
American alligator Florida -- Everglades National Park American alligator -- Reproduction
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
[2014] Alligator Production Suitability Index Model (GATOR-PSIM v. 2.0) |