No. Title Date
1 City of Miami Tree Master Plan
2 Park access and equity strategy
3 Postwar plans 1944
4 The plan for South Miami, Dade County, Florida 1960
5 Magic city center plan for action 1960
6 Social problem levels in city of Miami 1965
7 Downtown Miami 1967
8 Capital improvement information 1970
9 Model City profile 1973
10 Comprehensive development master plan 1973/1974
11 Downtown Miami 1973-1985 1973
12 The Little River commercial center 1975
13 Garment center / fashion district redevelopment plan 1979
14 Effect of urban stormwater runoff to a man-made lake on groundwater quality 1980-05
15 The Miami comprehensive neighborhood plan 1982
16 Performance of District Structures During Critical Storm Events in West Miami, and Proposed Alternatives to Reduce Flooding 1982-10
17 Southeast Overtown / Park West : Community redevelopment plan 1982-12
18 Evaluation of the water management system at a single family residential site. 1984-11
19 Evaluation of the water management system at a single family residential site. 1984-11
20 An assessment of urban land use/stormwater runoff quality relationships and treatment efficiencies of selected stormwater management systems 1988-07