Retrospective and prospective model situations of sea level rise impacts on Gulf of Mexico coastal marshes and forests in Waccassa Bay, Florida

Retrospective and prospective model situations of sea level rise impacts on Gulf of Mexico coastal marshes and forests in Waccassa Bay, Florida  

Publication Date:  2011
Creator:  Geselbracht, Laura
Freeman, Kathleen
Kelly, Eugene
Gordon, Doria R.
Putz, Francis E.
Publisher.Display:  Springer
Subjects.Display:  Florida
Climate change
coastal management
Gulf of Mexico
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Retrospective and prospective model situations of sea level rise impacts on Gulf of Mexico coastal marshes and forests in Waccassa Bay, Florida
Transgressive Recycling Produces Organic-Rich Carbonate Muds

Transgressive Recycling Produces Organic-Rich Carbonate Muds  

Publication Date:  2010
Creator:  Wanless, Harold R.
Vlaswinkel, Brigitte
Jackson, Kelly L.
Subjects.Display:  Florida
Climate change
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Transgressive Recycling Produces Organic-Rich Carbonate Muds