The use of remote sensing data for drought assessment and monitoring in southwest Asia
- Publication Date:
- 2004
- Creator:
- Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU) ( summary contributor )
- Thenkabail, Prasad S.
- Gamage, M. S. D. Nilantha
- Smakhtin, Vladimir U.
- Publisher.Display:
- International Water Management Institute ( Colombo, Sri Lanka )
- Subjects.Display:
- Natural hazards and disasters -- Droughts -- Middle East
- Remote sensing -- Middle East
- Source Institution:
- Florida International University
Economic vulnerability and disaster risk assessment in Malawi and Mozambique
- Publication Date:
- 2009
- Creator:
- Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU) ( summary contributor )
- The World Bank
- Risk Management Solutions Inc (RMSI)
- International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
- Global Facilty for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR)
- Publisher.Display:
- World Bank ( Washington, D.C. )
- Subjects.Display:
- Natural hazards and disasters
- Risk management
- Droughts -- Malawi
- Droughts -- Mozambique
- Floods -- Malawi
- Floods -- Mozambique
- Source Institution:
- Florida International University
Disaster reduction in Africa
- Publication Date:
- 2009
- Creator:
- Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU) ( summary contributor )
- Hagiwara, Yoko ( editor )
- Mungai, Njoki ( editor )
- Publisher.Display:
- United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) Africa ( Nairobi, Kenya )
- Subjects.Display:
- Climate change -- Africa
- Sustainable development -- Africa
- Natural hazards and disasters -- Droughts -- Africa
- Diseases -- Epidemics -- Africa
- Source Institution:
- Florida International University
Hazard profile of Myanmar
- Publication Date:
- 2009-07
- Creator:
- Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU) ( summary contributor )
- Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC)
- Union of Myanmar
- Myanmar Engineering Society (MES)
- Myanmar Geosciences Society (MGS)
- Myanmar Information Management Unit (MIMU)
- Publisher.Display:
- Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC)
- Subjects.Display:
- Risk management -- Burma
- Risk assessment -- Burma
- Natural hazards and disasters -- Cyclones -- Burma
- Natural hazards and disasters -- Droughts -- Burma
- Natural hazards and disasters -- Earthquakes -- Burma
- Natural hazards and disasters -- Floods -- Burma
- Natural hazards and disasters -- Landslides -- Burma
- Natural hazards and disasters -- Storm surges -- Burma
- Natural hazards and disasters -- Tsunamis -- Burma
- Source Institution:
- Florida International University
Four on the spot motto in disaster management
- Publication Date:
- 2010
- Creator:
- Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU) ( summary contributor )
- The Joint Advocacy Network Initiative (JANI)
- Publisher.Display:
- The Joint Advocacy Network Initiative (JANI) ( Hanoi, Viet Nam )
- Subjects.Display:
- Risk management
- Natural hazards and disasters -- Landslides
- Natural hazards and disasters -- Floods
- Natural hazards and disasters -- Droughts
- Natural hazards and disasters -- Storm surges
- Natural hazards and disasters -- Wildfires
- Source Institution:
- Florida International University
Weather extremes in a changing climate
- Publication Date:
- 2010
- Creator:
- Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU) ( summary contributor )
- World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
- Publisher.Display:
- World Meteorological Organization (WMO) ( Geneva, Switzerland )
- Subjects.Display:
- Climate change
- Natural hazards and disasters -- Floods
- Natural hazards and disasters -- Cold waves (Meteorology)
- Natural hazards and disasters -- Cyclones
- Natural hazards and disasters -- Droughts
- Natural hazards and disasters -- Heat waves (Meteorology)
- Geographic information systems
- Source Institution:
- Florida International University
The Rold of Research in Disaster Risk Reduction
- Publication Date:
- 2011
- Creator:
- Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU) ( summary contributor )
- Tighe, Kate
- Publisher.Display:
- Advanced Centre for Enabling Disaster Risk Reduction
- Subjects.Display:
- Natural hazards and disasters -- Droughts -- Palk Bay (India and Sri Lanka) -- Tamil Nadu (India)
- Sustainable development -- Palk Bay (India and Sri Lanka) -- Tamil Nadu (India)
- Fisheries -- Palk Bay (India and Sri Lanka) -- Tamil Nadu (India)
- Source Institution:
- Florida International University
Economics of climate adaptation (ECA)
- Publication Date:
- 2011
- Creator:
- Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU) ( summary contributor )
- David Bresch
- Andreas Spiegel
- Publisher.Display:
- Swiss Re ( Zurich, Switzerland )
- Subjects.Display:
- Droughts
- Climate change
- Agriculture
- Source Institution:
- Florida International University
Drought early warning and risk reduction
- Publication Date:
- 2011
- Creator:
- Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU) ( summary contributor )
- Farrell, David
- Trotman, Adrian
- Cox, Christopher
- Publisher.Display:
- United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR)
- Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH)
- Caribbean Environmental Health Institute
- Subjects.Display:
- Climate change -- Caribbean Area
- Risk management -- Caribbean Area
- Droughts -- Caribbean Area
- Source Institution:
- Florida International University
Mainstreaming drought risk management: a primer
- Publication Date:
- 2011-02
- Creator:
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
- Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU) ( summary contributor )
- Publisher.Display:
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) ( Nairobi, Kenya )
- Subjects.Display:
- Drought relief ( lcsh )
- Droughts ( lcshac )
- Risk management ( lcshac )
- Source Institution:
- Florida International University