Child-centred disaster risk reduction |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU) ( summary contributor ) Antonowicz, Laetitia Anderson, Allison Wetheridge, Louise
Publisher.Display: | |
Plan UK ( London, UK )
Format: | |
Book; 48 p.: il. color.; 30cm.
Subjects.Display: | |
Risk management Risk assessment Vulnerable populations -- Children Humanitarian assistance -- Children
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Child-centred disaster risk reduction |
The Copenhagen Diagnosis |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
I. Allison N.L. Bindoff R.A. Bindschadler P.M. Cox N. de Noblet M. H. England J.E. Francis N. Gruber A.M. Haywood D.J. Karoly G. Kaser C. Le Quere T.M. Lenton M.E. Mann B.I. McNeill A.J. Pitman S. Rahmstorf E. Rignot H.J. Schellnhuber S.H. Schneider S.C. Sherwood R.C.J Somerville K. Steffen E.J. Steig M. Visbeck A.J. Weaver
Publisher.Display: | |
The University of New South Wales
Subjects.Display: | |
Climate change climate science emission reduction, greenhouse gas unknownIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
The Copenhagen Diagnosis |
The Copenhagen Diagnosis |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
N.L. Bindoff R.A. Bindschadler P.M. Cox N. de Noblet M. H. England J.E. Francis N. Gruber A.M. Haywood D.J. Karoly G. Kaser C. Le Quere T.M. Lenton M.E. Mann B.I. McNeill S. Rahmstorf E. Rignot H.J. Schellnhuber S.H. Schneider S.C. Sherwood E.J. Steig M. Visbeck A.J. Weaver I.Allison A.J. Pittman R.C.J. Somerville K. Esteffen
Publisher.Display: | |
Subjects.Display: | |
Climate change carbon dioxide fossil fuels emission reduction,greenhouse gas
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
The Copenhagen Diagnosis |
A healthier future for Miami-Dade County, expanding supermarket access in areas of need |
Creator: | |
Young, Candace Karpyn, Allison Treering, David Food Trust Florida. Department of Health Consortium For a Healthier Miami-Dade
Publisher.Display: | |
Food Trust
Format: | |
Source Institution: | |
South Florida Collection, Government Documents, Green Library, Florida International University
A healthier future for Miami-Dade County, expanding supermarket access in areas of need |
Living on shaky ground |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU) ( summary contributor ) Dengler, Lori Hemphill-Haley, Mark Felton, Vernon Monro, Allison Warren, Judy
Publisher.Display: | |
Humboldt Earthquake Education Center, Humboldt State University
Subjects.Display: | |
Earthquakes Tsunamis
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Living on shaky ground |
Luther's Blues |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Dixon, Willie ( composer ) Allison, Luther ( Performer ) Allison, Luther ( Composer ) Gordy, Berry ( Composer ) Woodley, James ( Composer ) Wylie, Richard ( Composer ) Block, Gene ( Composer ) Beam, Gary ( Composer ) Miles, Kenneth ( Composer ) Peraino, Joseph ( Composer ) Emerson, Benny ( Composer ) Sykes, Roosevelth ( Composer )
Publisher.Display: | |
Format: | |
1 sound disc : 33 1/3 rpm ; 12 in.
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Donor: | |
Cristobal Diaz Ayala
Luther's Blues |
Monitoring of Tree Island Conditions in the Southern Everglades: The Effects of Hurricanes and Hydrology on the Status and Population Dynamics of Sixteen Tropical Hardwood Hammock Tree Islands |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Michael S. Ross Jay P. Sah Pablo L. Ruiz Diana L. Rodriguez Allison M. Lambert
Publisher.Display: | |
Florida International University. Southeast Environmental Research Center
Subjects.Display: | |
Everglades National Park (Fla.) Hydrology Hurricanes Tree islands
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Monitoring of Tree Island Conditions in the Southern Everglades: The Effects of Hurricanes and Hydrology on the Status and Population Dynamics of Sixteen Tropical Hardwood Hammock Tree Islands |
Monitoring of Tree Island Conditions in the Southern Everglades: The Effects of Hurricanes and Hydrology on the Status and Population Dynamics of Sixteen Tropical Hardwood Hammock Tree Islands |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Michael S. Ross Jay P. Sah Pablo L. Ruiz Diana L. Rodriguez Allison M. Lambert
Publisher.Display: | |
Southeast Environmental Research Center, Florida International University ( Miami, Florida )
Format: | |
137 pages
Subjects.Display: | |
Hydrology Tree islands
Source Institution: | |
Added automatically
Monitoring of Tree Island Conditions in the Southern Everglades: The Effects of Hurricanes and Hydrology on the Status and Population Dynamics of Sixteen Tropical Hardwood Hammock Tree Islands |
Sea-level rise report card 2012 |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Hunter, John Allison, Ian Jakszewicz, Tessa
Publisher.Display: | |
Antarctic Climate & Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre
Subjects.Display: | |
Climate change Antarctica glaciers
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Sea-level rise report card 2012 |
Sigo buscando esa perla |
Creator: | |
Narcisho ( performer ) Amaya, Paco ( composer ) Burgos, Leoncio ( composer ) Bianchi, Tina ( composer ) Sauvalle, Jaime ( composer ) Young Aguero, Dante ( composer ) Rosado, Angel Anibal ( composer ) Allison, Mario ( composer ) Quispe, A. ( composer ) Villanueva, Lola ( composer ) Linares Besold, José ( composer )
Publisher.Display: | |
Audio Latino
Format: | |
1 sound disc : 33 1/3 rpm ; 12 in.
Subjects.Display: | |
Latin pop (music)
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Sigo buscando esa perla |