Color aerial of Miami Beach |
Color aerial of Miami Beach |
Commission on Status of Women reception, late 1990s |
Commission on Status of Women reception, late 1990s |
Community leaders posing at the dedication of the Robert L. Blum Bridge |
Community leaders posing at the dedication of the Robert L. Blum Bridge |
Conductor at night concert |
Conductor at night concert |
Construction at Flamingo Hotel site, 1920 |
Construction at Flamingo Hotel site, 1920 |
Construction on the east side of Pancoast Lake |
Construction on the east side of Pancoast Lake |
Construction site and pallets |
Construction site and pallets ( 5 volumes ) |
Convention advertising materials |
Convention advertising materials |
Corner of boathouse ( 9 volumes ) |
Cuban Army and American polo teams in front of the polo clubhouse |
Cuban Army and American polo teams in front of the polo clubhouse |
Dade Federal Savings Book Review |
Dade Federal Savings Book Review |
Dancers on stage ( 8 volumes ) |
Dedication Ceremony and laying of cornerstone of Harvey Firestone outside of the Miami Beach Public Library, 1934 |
Dedication Ceremony and laying of cornerstone of Harvey Firestone outside of the Miami Beach Public Library, 1934 |
Democratic National Convention Ephemera, 1972 |
Democratic National Convention Ephemera, 1972 |
Democrats in Convention 1972 |
Democrats in Convention 1972 |
Department of Social Work Mount Sinai Medical Center |
Department of Social Work Mount Sinai Medical Center |
Diamonds and Chicken Soup |
Diamonds and Chicken Soup ( 21 volumes ) |
Diane Varga - promotional modeling beach scene |
Diane Varga - promotional modeling beach scene ( 45 volumes ) |
Divers in the 1930s ( 3 volumes ) |
Donkey Baseball at Flamingo Park, 1935 |
Donkey Baseball at Flamingo Park, 1935 |