Flamenco dancers on stage |
Flamenco dancers on stage ( 3 volumes ) |
Flamingo Park Children's Theatre |
Flamingo Park Children's Theatre |
Flamingo Park pet show, 1930 |
Flamingo Park pet show, 1930 |
Flamingo Park playground and Children's Theater, 1931 |
Flamingo Park playground and Children's Theater, 1931 |
Flamingo Park Setting Up Exercises |
Flamingo Park Setting Up Exercises |
Flamingo Park to Ocean Drive looking north from 11th street. Lincoln Road, Mt. Sinai Hospital, and the Fontainebleau are visible in the distance. |
Flamingo Park to Ocean Drive looking north from 11th street. Lincoln Road, Mt. Sinai Hospital, and the Fontainebleau are visible in the distance. ( 58 volumes ) |
Flood destruction in Ica, Peru |
Flood destruction in Ica, Peru |
Florence Manor Apartments, 1946-1956 Marseilles Drive |
Florence Manor Apartments, 1946-1956 Marseilles Drive ( 38 volumes ) |
Ford Touring across alleyway directly behind Farrey's Hardware |
Ford Touring across alleyway directly behind Farrey's Hardware ( 164 volumes ) |
Fortune Cookie Fortune ( 3 volumes ) |
Fourth of July celebrations and Baby Parade |
Fourth of July celebrations and Baby Parade |
George H. W. Bush and Barbara Bush's visit to Miami Beach and other events |
George H. W. Bush and Barbara Bush's visit to Miami Beach and other events |
Gloria Estefan and Emilio Estefan |
Gloria Estefan and Emilio Estefan ( 17 volumes ) |
Golfers at Bayshore Golf Course |
Golfers at Bayshore Golf Course |
The Great Spirit sculpture by Ettore Pellegatta collection of articles and photographs |
The Great Spirit sculpture by Ettore Pellegatta collection of articles and photographs |
Hal Cohen and Miami Beach officials, 1981 |
Hal Cohen and Miami Beach officials, 1981 |
Handwritten questions for a Housing Authority Meeting and caricature of Rob Parkins |
Handwritten questions for a Housing Authority Meeting and caricature of Rob Parkins |
Historical Background of Pine Tree Drive and Indian on a Horse Statue |
Historical Background of Pine Tree Drive and Indian on a Horse Statue |
Historical Records Archival Project |
Historical Records Archival Project |
Hotel Astor ( 118 volumes ) |