No. Title Date
1 Miami-Gulf Land Investors
2 Hydrogeologic reconnaissance of the Floridan aquifer system, Upper East Coast Planning Area
3 Haitian culture curriculum guide : Grades K-5
4 Haitian culture curriculum guide : Grades 6-12
5 U.S. Engineers Office (Miami Beach) reports and letters
6 Government Cut and Miami Beach aerial photographs
7 Transboundary water for biodiversity and human health: Marariver basin (twb-mrb) project
8 Park access and equity strategy
9 Virginia Key master plan : 2010, a forgotten natural wonder, a community planning process
10 The Story of the Bond Election: Extension of the South Shore Fishing Pier
11 The Story of the Bond Election: An Ocean Pier at Lincoln Road
12 Miami Beach Convention Center Expansion Plans
13 Miami Beach Convention Center Expansion Plans C
14 Concept A Plan for Virginia Key Beach Park
15 Concept B Plan for Virginia Key Beach Park
16 Concept C Plan for Virginia Key Beach Park
17 Interama Land Use Plan
18 Sewers improvement resolutions, 1914-1915, City of Miami, Florida 1914/1915
19 Transcripts of meeting about incorporating the Town of Miami Beach 1915-03-26
20 All there is: the only American Tropics 1920/1929