No. Title Date
1 Miami Beach mayors and commissioners at various events
2 Women's volleyball teams playing at Flamingo Park, 1930-1932 1932
3 Boynton High Girls Basketball Team, 1939 1939
4 David Eldredge 1940
5 Boynton Beach High Girls' Basketball Team, 1946 1946
6 Chilean women's polo team in North Miami 1953-08-23
7 Chilean woman polo player with North Miami polo player 1953-08-23
8 Coach Howard Smith and swim team, c. 1965 1960/1969
9 Tigerettes team, c. 1965 1960/1969
10 Archer, 1963 1963
11 Children watch archery demonstration, 1963 1963
12 Bowlers vs Archers, 1963 1963
13 Photographs of professional athletes, and sporting events held in, and attended by Miami Beach mayors 1980/1989