No. Title Date
121 Draining the Everglades 1912
122 Dredges and dredging on the North New River canals, 1920-1927 (bulk 1927) 1920/1927
123 Dredges, dredging and canals, 1912-1920. 1920
124 Dredges, dredging and canals in the Everglades, 1906?-1913?
125 Dredges in the Everglades and Big Cypress Swamp, ca. 1925. 1925
126 Droughts and Water-Shortages in the Humid Region of Central and South Florida 2002-01
127 Skip Navigation Links.
128 EcoImpact, Inc. response to criticisms by the National Park Service of the report "The impact of evicting farmers from the Hole-in-the-Donut" and related material 1975
129 Ecological research in Everglades National Park by Milton C. Kolipinski and Aaron L. Higer. 1905
130 Effects of Hurricane Andrew on Natural and Archeological Resources 1996-09
131 Eighteen months in the Everglades 1917
132 Environmentl Response of WCA-2A to Reduction in Regulation Schedule and Marsh Drawdown 1988-03
133 Ephemera promoting land sales in the Everglades 1923
134 Establishing a Baseline: Pre-Restoration Studies of the Channelized Kissimmee River 2005-11
135 Evaluating and Improving Flow Data Quality Using Strive Data at Water Control Structures 2005-07
136 Evaluation of Preservation Methods for Nutrient Species Collected by Automatic Samplers 2002
137 Evapotranspiration estimation for South Florida 2003-01
138 Evapotranspiration Estimations for Wetland and Shallow Open-Water Systems in South Florida: Documentation for C Program etcalcs 1998-09
139 Evapotranspiration in the Everglades; Comparison of Bowen Ratio Measurements and Model Estimations 2004-07
140 Evergades alligators and crocodiles, approximately 1931 1931