No. Title Date
941 Young Burchell's zebra sanding with an adult at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
942 Adult Grevy's zebra grazing in its habitat at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
943 Adult Grevy's zebra laying in the sun in its field at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
944 Grevy's zebra standing above its infant who lies at its hooves at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
945 Grevy's zebra and a young reticulated giraffe standing in a field together at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
946 Grevy's zebra standing in its habitat at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
947 Two Grevy's zebra grazing together in their habitat at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
948 Two Grevy's zebras grazing in their habitat together at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
949 Grevy's zebra grazing among the tall grass at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
950 Grevy's zebra grazing in the field of its habitat at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
951 Two Grevy's zebra standing in the shade of a tree in their habitat field at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
952 Two Grevy's zebra grazing together beside boulders in their habitat at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
953 Adult and young Grevy's zebras standing in their habitat's field at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
954 Young Burchell's zebra standing close to an adult at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
955 Three Burchell's zebra walking together in their habitat at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
956 Three Burchell's zebra standing beside the habitat's boulders at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
957 Three Burchell's zebra grazing around their habitat's boulders at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
958 Adult Burchell's zebra walking away from another two others at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
959 Burchell's zebra and its young standing beside boulders at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
960 Adult Burchell's zebra with a grazing young zebra at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000