No. Title Date
61 Aquaplaning in Biscayne Bay at Miami Florida
62 Water for Us All
63 GDA Partnerships Situational Analysis and Partnerships Brokerage in Niger
64 Impact Assessment on the Use of Treadle Pumps and Irrigation Boreholes in Niger
65 Baseline information on water sources and uses in MUS intervention villages in Niger. Executive Summary
66 Gender Policies Review in Relation to Wash in Burkina Faso, Ghana and Niger
67 Local Monitoring Plan of Potable Water Services in The Sahel Region of Burkina Faso
68 Study of Simplified Piped Water Systems in the Sahel Region of Burkina Faso
69 Sand Dam Site Identification Study in the Sahel Region of Burkina Faso
70 Performance of Potable Water Services in Burkina Faso
71 Wash and Gender Resource List for Burkina Faso, Ghana, and Niger
72 Bordering on a water crisis: the need for integrated resource management in the Mara River basin
73 Refining reserve flow recommendations for the Mara River, Kenya and Tanzania
74 Convention advertising materials
75 Refining environmental flow estimates for the Mara River
76 Transboundary water issues threaten the serengeti ecosystem
77 Partnership SONEB - ONEA
78 AfWA Newsletter No. 97
79 Project information sheet: AfRICap Program
80 Partnership SOMAGEP – ONEE