No. Title Date
5841 Letter from Maureen Harwitz to Howard B. Lenard, Esq. North Miami Beach City Hall, August 30, 1997 1997-08-30
5842 Letter from Maureen Harwitz to Howard Gregg, Planning, Dade County Parks Dept., August 10, 1995 1995-08-10
5843 Letter from Maureen Harwitz to Marge MacDonald, Mayor of North Miami Beach, June 2, 1982 1982-06-02
5844 Letter from Maureen Harwitz to Representative Elaine Gordon, June 16, 1990 1990-06-16
5845 Letter from Mayor Jeffrey Mishcon, North Miami Beach, to Carol Helen, President Arch Creek Trust, March 1, 1994 1994-03-01
5846 Letter from Michael Roberto, North Miami Beach City Manager, to Maureen Harwitz, Arch Creek Trust, September 8, 1995 1995-09-06
5847 Skip Navigation Links.
5848 Letter from Nathaniel S. Thomas 1931
5849 Letter from New York Life Insurance Co. to Dana A. Dorsey 1932-07-09
5850 Letter from Preservation Consulting Service for Virginia Key 2002-05-09
5851 Letter from Randall Kelley, Director Division of Archives, History and Records Management, to Michael S. Tammaro, Attorney Southwest Florida Water Management District, December 17, 1983 1983-17-01
5852 Letter from Rev. Charles Eastman, Arch Creek Trust, to Dear Arch Creek Person, Febrero 8, 1983 1983-02-08
5853 Letter from Rev. Charles Eastman to Barbara Carey, Commissioner, March 19, 1981 1981-03-19
5854 Letter from Rev. Charles Eastman to Beverly Phillips, Commissioner, March 19, 1981 1981-03-19
5855 Letter from Rev. Charles Eastman to Ruth Shack, County Commissioner, June 18, 1981 1981-06-18
5856 Letter from Rev. Charles Eastman to Wm. Oliver, March 12, 1981 1981-03-12
5857 Letter from Rev. Charles L. Eastman to Ms. Beverly Phillips, March 12, 1981 1981-03-12
5858 Letter from Rev. Charles L. Eastman, Vice President of Arch Creek Trust, Jim King, Directors Office Park and Recreation Dept., November 17, 1981 1981-11-17
5859 Letter from Rev. Charles L. Eastman, Vice President of Arch Creek Trust, to Police Chief O'Connell North Miami Police Dept. September 21, 1982 1982-09-21
5860 Letter from Rev. Charles L. Eastman, Vice President of Arch Creek Trust, to Ruth Shack, County Commissioner, May 19, 1981 1981-05-19