No. Title Date
421 Cafeteria kitchen, University House, Florida International University 1977
422 Cafeteria staff, University House, Florida International University 1977
423 Cafeteria, University House, Florida International University 1977
424 Calder Race Track 1982
425 Capital Budget Estimates and Schedule for Virginia Key Beach Park Trust 2005-08-01
426 Capital improvements 1961
427 Capital Improvements & Welcome Center/Museum 2015-12-03
428 Captial Improvement List 2007-2008
429 Skip Navigation Links.
430 Car crashes into Voyager Motel swimming pool - rear view 1958-08-26
431 Car crashes into Voyager Motel swimming pool - side view 1958-08-26
432 Carl Fisher's funeral services and commemorative events, July 1939, and The Miami News front page from December 19, 1969 1939/1969
433 Carl G. Fisher Miami Winter Home 1916
434 Carlos Moore and Maya Angelou (L-R), Conference on Negritude, Ethnicity and Afro Cultures in the Americas 1987/02
435 Carl's Barber Shop in North Miami 1951-10-21
436 Carolyn Lawrence Pearce in discussion with U Thant 1971-01-25
437 Carolyn Mitchell Email to David Shorter Describing Changes Needed for the Virginia Key Beach Master Plan Report 2003-07-30
438 Carolyn Mitchell Email to David Shorter Requesting Information about the Historical Significance of the Concrete Parking Lot 2003-02-25
439 Carolyn Mitchell Emails David Shorter Billing Expenses and Projected Costs 2003-02-10
440 Carolyn Mitchell Emails Viki Cole about the Virginia Key Beach Historic Preservation Plan 2002-12-13