No. Title Date
1981 Closeup of damage to carousel building 2004
1982 Closeup of damage to old concession stand 2004
1983 Closeup of graffiti 2004
1984 Close-up of hydraulic leveling 1923
1985 Closeup view of carousel building being renovated 2004
1986 The Closing Door of Climate Targets 2012-11-29
1987 Closing the Financial Gap ( external resource | internal citation ) 2011
1988 Closing the generation gap 1990-07-02
1989 Cloud variations and the Earth's energy budget
1990 Clyde Court Apartments, Miami, Florida 1924
1991 CMIP5 multi-model hindcasts for the mid-1970s shift and early 2000s hiatus and predictions for 2016-2035 2014
1992 Coach city bus broke-down near 125th Street and 7th Avenue 1963
1993 Coal to gas 2011-08-10
1994 Coastal communities transportation master plan, final report 2007-08
1995 Coastal flood damage and adaptation costs under 21st century sea-level rise 2014
1996 Coastal flooding by tropical cyclones and sea-level rise 2013
1997 Coastal Geomorphic Responses to Sea Level Rise 1984
1998 Coastal groundwater discharge – an additional source of phosphorus for the oligotrophic wetlands of the Everglades 2006
1999 Coastal habitats shield people and property from sea-level rise and storms 2013
2000 Coastal management ( external resource | internal citation ) 2009-10