[Collection of pamphlets and books on Florida history, environment and industry].
- Publication Date:
- 1955
- Creator:
- Otis, R. R. ( Author, Primary )
- Publisher.Display:
- Atlanta Historical Society, ( Atlanta, Ga. : )
- Georgia Historical Society, ( Atlanta, Ga. : )
- Subjects.Display:
- Florida.
- History--18th century.
- History--17th century.
- History--16th century.
- Source Institution:
- Florida International University
Consulting the American Catholic Laity
- Creator:
- Moira Mathieson ( Editor )
- Publisher.Display:
- Moira Mathieson
- Format:
- 32 pages
- Subjects.Display:
- American Catholic Laity
- Bishops' Committee on the Laity
- Second Vatican Council
- Source Institution:
- Florida International University
- Donor:
- Carlos H. UrĂ¡n Family